Welcome on web pages of Database Research Group at Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Fields of interest
The DBRG research activities relate mostly to applications in Information Retrieval (in the broad meaning).
We deal with the following particular areas:- Data Indexing And Storage
- Data Modeling
- Data Compress
- Text Retrieval
- Multimedia and Multidimensional Databases
- Data Security
Database Research Group organizes specialized lectures presented at the periodical workshop. The workshop is public for anyone who is interested in current problems of Computer Science (especially IR). The DBRG workshop takes place on the ground of Department of Computer Science, FEI, Technical University of Ostrava.
Are you interested in?
- Are you interested in databases ??
- Do you want to study PhD. ??
- Join us !!
25.03.2020 Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019
Petr Lukáลก took the 1st place in the Competition for the Best Dissertation Defended in 2019, category Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
27.09.2019 ACM SIGMOD Programming contest 2019
Kuba Beránek was a runner-up in the traditional database ACM SIGMOD programming contest (http://sigmod19contest.itu.dk/leaderboard_freezed.html).
19.12.2018 ACM SIGMOD Programming contest
Kuba Beránek was a runner-up in the traditional database ACM SIGMOD programming contest (http://sigmod18contest.db.in.tum.de).
Contact Info